Beech Hill Baptist church off to a great new start in 2020!

Sunday 19th January saw the first Beech Hill Baptist church Sunday afternoon service led by the team looking to renew the church. Led by Sandra Jordan, the service was an exciting time of prayer and worship. With 300 years of history, we wanted to thank God and honour those who began and maintained the church. But we also wanted to look forward and be excited about God renewing the church so it is a blessing to the village now and in the future. In recent times, people travelled considerable distances to the church services, but this meant the church lost its local connection. We want to avoid this in the future. The start-up team from Shinfield Baptist are working to give the church a distinctly local focus so that it is relevant to those who live and work in the village area. Over time we hope that the congregation is formed more and more from local people. Beech Hill’s next service will be at 4pm on Sunday 16th February.
Nathan Hunt, 26/01/2020