Find out More 

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Usually there are a number of ways to get to know people and find out more about Shinfield Church. Most events are now live with some happening virtually to include those unable to meet with others due to the pandemic. If you are interested in any of these activities, please get in touch with us via our contact page. 

Sunday Services - these are currently live . Services start at 10am and there is a creche and groups for children and young people;

Food Share - Mondays from January 2022. This is an opportunity to meet others over a coffee while also accessing good quality food at no charge donated by the local community and shops;

Small groups - during the week people get together to meet, pray, explore the bible and plan projects and activities. At present our small groups are all meeting by Zoom. If you'd be interested in joining a group please contact us. 

Events - special events take place most months. See our 'What's On?' page for more information;

News - discover what we have been up to in the 'News' section;

Stories About Us - you can watch some of the Shinfield family share their personal stories on this page

Facebook Page - there are posts on our Facebook page, letting you know what goes on.

Monday Prayer Group - a group of people meet each week to pray for the life of our village. 

Our History and Organisation - You can find out more about our story and who we are in the About Us section of the website.