Remembrance Sunday 2021

An estimated 500 people came to support the Remembrance Sunday Service at Shinfield War Memorial. At this special time the Shinfield community remembers by name those from the village who have given their lives in all wars since the First World War. We also remembered all those who lost their lives in conflict and prayed for world peace. The service involved a wide spectrum of the community including groups such as the Army Cadet Force, Scouts and Guides, representatives from local schools and was led jointly by St. Mary's and Shinfield Baptist Church in partnership with Shinfield Parish Council. We were pleased that once again Colonel Williams led the reading of the names of those from the parish who gave their lives in conflicts ranging from World War 1 through to the war in Afghanistan.
We were also pleased that a team from Shinfield Baptist Church and Robyn's Nest Cafe were able to serve teas in the new community hall.