Making a House 4 Homeless a Possiblity in the Shinfield Area


A New Home. A New Start

Shinfield Community Church in partnership with the charity Hope into Action are looking to create a house for the homeless in the Shinfield Area.


Food donations or overnight temporary accommodation are vital for people who find themselves homeless. But it is a stable and loving home, providing a ‘hand up’ rather than a ‘a hand out’ that makes long term change possible.

How ?

Shinfield Community Church and Hope into Action work together to raise investment and help from church and community to purchase a home and then provide ongoing care to the formerly homeless tenants. This support is vital to help the tenant break the cycle of homelessness.

What’s the Impact?

It's huge!

  • 100% of move-ons were positive to more permanent, appropriate, and independent housing90% were empowered to work at and achieve their main goals during the year
  • 80% of tenants saw improvements in positive social relationships with friends / family
  • 100% of those who have had previous custodial sentences have not returned to prison
  • 70% found employment, attended training or regularly volunteer
(all above for year ending March 2023)

How Can I Help?

Each house requires:

  • Investors – people willing to invest  money (£5000+) for a five year term to purchase a home
  • Practical Help – people  willing to help with low level DIY and maintenance tasks e.g. putting up a shelf or gardening needed
  • Befrienders – people willing to offer a couple of hours each week to meet up with the new tenant for a coffee and a chat
  • Prayers – People who commit to praying each week for the new tenant and those involved in the project
We have a full team of befrienders and prayers but are still seeking investors and some offers of voluntary help with practical tasks. If you would like to invest please read below. If you would like to be considered for voluntary help please contact, Pastor of Shinfield Community Church.

How Can I Invest?

Hope into Action co-ordinate and help support for the number of  investors who usually purchase each house.  Please contact Mary Lewis, Hope into Action, Argyle Community Church, Argyle Road, Reading, RG1 7YL

How does the Investment Work?

Investors retain ownership of the house and lease it to Hope into Action for an initial period of five years. Hope into Action find, place and support the tenants in the house, do all the maintenance and target a 2% return on your total investment–  similar to putting your money in an interest-bearing building society account. However, you will also gain from any capital growth should the property be sold at the end of the lease.* Rent is paid by the tenant, either through housing benefit or earnings. The payment of rent is an important part of the empowerment of the tenant, who moves into the position of being a self-supporting and contributing member of society.
*remember as with any property investment, captial value may go up as well as down. Hope into Action ask investors to le them know six months in advance of the five year period if they wish to withdraw their investment.

Why Shinfield?

Formerly homeless tenants are unlikely to have a car. They need to be somewhere in walking distance to local amenities and services and public transport is also key. The Shinfield area offers these things

Can it Work?

Hope into Action (charity reg no. 1137686) has helped set up over 100 homes in 33 towns and cities. It currently provides homes for over 400 people.
Shinfield Community Church has  over 100 years experience serving in our. Shinfield Community Church runs Share, Rainbow Tots, BBQ 4 Refugees and supports our local schools and residential care homes in a number of ways.

How can I Find out More?

  • Mary Lewis, Hope into Action, Argyle Community Church, Argyle Road, Reading, RG1 7YL  0
  • Nathan Hunt, Shinfield Community Church, 1 Fairmead Road, Shinfield, RG2